Why Is Fidelity Bonding Needed for Job Placement?
Employers view ex-offenders and other at-risk job seekers as potentially untrustworthy workers, thereby, denying them job-hire Insurance companies will not cover risky job applicants under commercial Fidelity Bonds purchased by employers to protect themselves against employee dishonesty.
Anyone who has ever “committed a fraudulent or dishonest act” is deemed NOT BONDABLE by insurance companies, a situation leading to routine denial of employment opportunities for such persons.
Being NOT BONDABLE is a significant barrier to employment possessed by the hardest-to-place job applicants; this barrier can be eliminated only by The Federal Bonding Program.
Job bonding enables the employer to “obtain worker skills without taking risks
Persons who are NOT BONDABLE can ultimately become commercially BONDABLE by demonstrating job honesty during the 6 months of bond coverage under the Federal Bonding Program (such commercial bonding will be made available by the Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America; referred to hereafter as TRAVELERS)